“I really value using my skills with Marriage Care... I feel well supported and enjoy the camaraderie of the other counsellors and chaperones.”
Relationship Counsellor
Marriage Care believe that supporting couple relationships is a matter of social justice as poor relationships lead to greater inequalities in our society. Our volunteer counsellors enable those in need to access professional counselling – regardless of their ability to pay.
We have three routes for recruiting counsellors – please click on the title to find out more:
- CRC Route – this route is for those not yet qualified in counselling. We will train and equip you to counsel couples safely and effectively through our Certificate in Relationship Counselling (CRC) course. There are associated costs with this course although the training itself is provided free of charge. Please note we do not plan on running another training course for this route until 2026
- Qualified Counsellors Route – we select those who have at least 100 hrs supervised counselling practice and who hold a Level 4 Diploma in Counselling. You would need to undertake our Diploma in Relationship Counselling before volunteering with us which costs around £1800. Please note we do not plan on running another training course for this route until 2026
- Qualified Relationship Counsellors Route– we select those who have completed at least 150 hrs of relationship counselling and who hold a recognised qualification in relationship counselling. After recruitment and selection you would undertake a probationary period of 6 months before becoming a Marriage Care counsellor.
Placements at Marriage Care
Unfortunately, due to a lack of resources, Marriage Care is unable to offer counselling placements to students on external courses. The BACP has a placement data base (for BACP student members only) which might be helpful. We would most warmly welcome an application from you when you have completed your studies and delivered at least 100 hours supervised counselling.