Hear from our Chair of Trustees
Kit Dollard – Chair of the Board of Trustees
‘’After 45 years in paid employment in the military, then the city, followed by property, and last of all the Church, I was looking to give back to society. Marriage Care specialises in marriage and relationships and promoting relationship skills, and for me it was just the vehicle that I needed. On the way I’ve learnt a few new skills, I’ve had a lot of fun, I’ve met some wonderful people and as a front line volunteer I’ve had the privilege to meet couples in that first phase of love, as well as helping to repair some broken relationships.
Perhaps more importantly I have helped an organisation deliver its goals to thousands of couples each year and with the help of nearly 650 volunteers. For me it’s a reminder that in giving our time we always receive back more than we actually give, and that for me is surprising, humbling and it’s a privilege’’.