We are delighted to share the recorded version of our National Virtual Conference, which took place on Saturday 20th March 2021. It was a great opportunity to reflect on the past year, look to the future, and so lovely to see so many of you. Thank you to everyone who took part and made this possible.
Please click the video below to view the full conference. In the top, right-hand corner, click the icon labeled ‘1/10’. This will open up a tab for you to view the full, unedited volunteer and staff interviews. You can also view this on YouTube by clicking the title on the video.
A written copy of the Closing Address is also available here.
You can also enjoy the music used by scrolling to the playlist below. Again, you can view and navigate all of the videos by clicking on the icon in the top right-hand corner icon labeled ‘1/19’.
We hope you enjoy watching this conference, and please do get in touch if you have any feedback or questions.